We arrived on Mustang Island on Thursday, Oct. 30. It was a relatively short haul from Houston, where we had spent two days. The traffic through Houston was truly amazing. Way too many vehicles and people, and even with 6 lane roadways the highways are not adequate.
All through the summer we've been taking note of the type of roadkill one might encounter (I'm sure at least some of our readers notice such things). All across the northern states the primary type of rk is deer. Then in southern MN and through WI you see some raccoon added to the mix. Well into IL we started to see opossum. Then as soon as we got into MO the frequency of opossum increased, and we were surprised to see an armadillo. Texas highways are fraught with racoon, opossum, armadillos, and an occasional deer. We've also seen a few coyotes. I've always said that you can kind of tell where you are by the type of roadkill. Oh well, I digress on foolishness.
We're pretty much set up for the winter and spent a good part of today just exploring Port Aransas and some of the island. The photos show the white sand beach and the Gulf of Mexico. I think we might spend a lot of time on the beach this winter. There will be more to come.
See ya.
Dave & Pat