Thursday, November 5, 2009

Enroute to Texas

This post comes to you from Oklahoma City OK. We're staying at the Twin Fountains RV Park, a new park just a short distance from the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum. We had hoped to see the Cowboy Museum last spring, but our route didn't allow for it in the time we had. We made sure we had time for it this fall, and can report that it's a world-class facility that is well worth the time for a visit.

Outside the National Cowboy & Western Heritage Museum in Oklahoma City.

At the Twin Fountains RV Park. It's new, it's nice, and it's reasonable.

Through Illinois, Missouri, and Oklahoma we touched parts of the original Route 66 from time to time.

This is the original "End of the Trail" sculpture (restored), and you can see it at the National Cowboy Museum in Oklahoma City.

Pat with an old friend.

Hey, we were there, he was there, it just seemed like a good idea.

How early Americans decimated the American Bison in just a few years. The Museum has many excellent dioramas to help interpret the history of the west.

Over 13,000 samples of barbed wire are on display.

Yes, it's Ronald Reagan.
Another excellent diorama, this one showing the western chuck wagon.

1 comment:

StillRolling said...

Thanks for the update ! It's nice to see that you're back on the road heading for the beach.
Love the pictures from the Cowboy Museum - it looks like a really interesting place.
Enjoy your journey !