Saturday, January 23, 2010

Beach, and other things we do

A large flock of Black Skimmers is hanging out on Mustang Island. These are pretty neat birds, and it's a delight to see them feeding. You can see why they are called "skimmers".

The Sand Festival isn't until mid-April, but sand sculptors can often be found practicing their art on Port Aransas beach. This is one of the many currently at work.

Lots of metal detecters at work. This guy found a gold/diamond ring just before we met him. The best we ever did was three dimes in four hours. Ships pass frequently through the ship canal to Corpus Christi.

Our neighbor across the street has a new golf cart. Carts are a common form of transportation on the Island.

Our friendly, little "love dove" makes an appearance on occasion. This is the most friendly wild bird we have ever met. Wish it would hang around more. It comes and goes.

Pat spends a lot of time with a crochet hook in her hand. This is a granny afghan she just completed.

I have been participating in a wood carving class - 3 of 6 lessons done. One of the first, basic projects was to carve a cowboy boot. This is what I came up with. Maybe I have a new hobby.

We'll have another post real soon. The weather has taken a turn for the better so we're able to go more and do more and have a good time while doing it. It's Saturday afternoon, temp is about 79 deg, and it is partly cloudy. Really nice day. How's winter going where you are?      I thought so, sorry.


Angel said...

The boot is so cool! Great Job!

Melanie said...

The girls are always happy to see new postings! Where is the pix of the seahorse?