Monday, November 8, 2010

Salton Sea, a quick look

Our homesite is about 4 miles from the Salton Sea, on the east side, but it looks a lot closer. As we look to the west, we can see the sea and its surrounding mountains. The Salton Sea is about 260 feet below sea level.

Check this out on a map of California. The Salton Sea is a pretty large body of water. There are fish and other wildlife present, but the water is quite salty and not very pure. We saw lots of dead fish along the beach. The waterbirds, gulls and pelicans, don't seem to mind.

Pat, looking to the southwest across the Salton Sea. American White Pelican  swimming by.

Some of the many California Quail near our homesite.

Here is a bird we have not previously seen. I believe we have id'd it as a Black-Crowned Night Heron. It's rather stout, not at all long and graceful like the blue heron. Active mostly at dusk, dawn and the early hours of darkness. Rather noisy, and they roost in palms just north of our homesite.

This is a part of the Chocolate Mountains, just east of our homesite. On the other side is a U.S. Navy bombing range. We hear the bombs falling (exploding) frequently. Sure hope the pilots always make their drops on the OTHER side.

More to come soon. Check back often.

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