Thursday, March 31, 2011

Summer in winter

The winter is supposed to be over here in California, and I can tell you it is over. We've had summer-like weather for over a month, and it just keeps getting better.

Melanie and her family did a vacation in California, taking in Disneyland and Sea World. We met them in San Diego and did Sea World together; then Angel and her girls came to see us for a week. Picked them up in Palm Springs on Saturday, March 26.

So much going on. So many places to go. So much to do. It's a good thing we're retired, otherwise we wouldn't have the time!

Our group at Sea World. Grandpa Dave, Grandma Pat, Melanie, Bailey, Meghan, Grandma Nancy, Isabel, Jason, Olivia. Photo courtesy of a Japanese tourist. (we returned the favor)

A little splashing going on at one of the shows.

Bailey and Isabel were in the "splash zone".

Meghan, hamming it up with Biff, one of the performers in the seal show.

Melanie and Olivia on right to show the size of the shark jaws.

Pat doing her favorite thing: shopping for souvenirs.

The Shamu Show. No trainers were killed or injured during this show.

As you can see, we were not alone at Sea World.

Joy ride on one of the whales.

You have to see this to believe it.

You all know we live in a 36' fifth wheel RV, but we bought a second on just for quick trips and fast traveling. It's a 21 footer. A lot smaller, but so much faster, and it takes half the fuel as pulling the big one. We'll be leaving our big one in CA and taking the smaller one for the summer.

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