Monday, April 30, 2012

Can't believe it was February when we last posted a new entry. Been busy, but that's all over now as our job has ended at Glamis North KOA and we will be on the road heading east tomorrow, Tuesday, May 1.

Here are some photos from the recent months in California.

The desert is a remote and hostile landscape. This is what's left of a military jet fighter that crashed near our campground more than a few years ago.

You can't see his face, but trust me this is Allen Solstad, our down-the-street neighbor. When this pic was taken we were cruising along a ridgeline with nothing but space all around us. No cell service here.

The entire campground got paved this spring. We had trucks hauling blacktop for three weeks. BIG JOB, but well worth it.

This jail cell is at the Historical Museum at El Centro, Imperial County, CA. Pat let me out.

Pat with some of our friends and neighbors in one of the hot mineral therapy pools. Pre-set temperature is "about" 104 degrees.

End of season gathering for a chili feed at the desert oasis. This is an annual event.

Railroad Trestle with "someone" hanging out over the Bradshaw Trail. Who says ATV types don't have a sense of humor?

Tractor dance during the paving project. Terry's tractor is missing a wheel and Cal is trying to move him to a clear area so a new tire can be put on. You would have had to be there to really appreciate this.

A piece of yet another airplane wreck. This one happened about 25 years ago.

This old hippy house in the desert is known locally as "Hotel California". With a little fixing, it could still be used as a home, as crude and remote as it is.

Molly, shortly after surgery. She swallowed a rock that, we think, blocked her gi tract causing her to bloat. Thought for sure we were going to lose her, but the vet pulled her through and she is on the road to recovery.

Sue Rasmussen and Pat checking out a mud pot near the Salton Sea. The pots bubble and shoot mud into the air, and as it flows down the side it resembles lava - but it's not that hot. Sue and Wayne stopped to stay with us for a couple of days enroute to their summer workamper job in Idaho.

And with these events we bid farewell to our winter neighbors and friends. Pat and I will be in Texas for a few days, then on to Illinois and Minnesota for a couple of weeks and then back to Texas for our summer job. Stay tuned. I'll try to do better in coming months.