Sunday, June 29, 2014

First Week of Summer, 2014

Summer is already one week old and we still haven't had any really hot weather. Oh, there have been some days in the 90's, and with pretty sticky humidity, but it hasn't been all that bad. Lots of nice breezes to go along with the warm.
Our main air conditioner died a few weeks back and we did have to manage a few days with only the bedroom a/c working. House did get pretty warm. But that problem has been remedied - with a new a/c unit, of course. Same one we had to replace two years ago. All is well now. This will be our third summer in Texas, and we want you to know that life is possible and it does go on in spite of the heat of the season. The oil industry is going full blast and gate guard jobs such as we have are paying a premium. If the help wanted ads are any indication pretty much all the guard companies are hurting for workers. It's a good time to break into the opportunity. So, if any of our RVing friends are tired of being paid $7.25 and hour to clean bathrooms (or the like) check out the gate guard opportunities here in Texas right now. You can make over $5400 a month as a gate guard. Check out and look at the employment opportunities.
Our present location is near Westhoff, Texas, which is near Cuero. About 75 miles SE of San Antonio. It's hill country, which is a nice change from the brush county/desert we've been in the past two years. Now we can look out on green grass, trees and, of course, oil wells.
Naturally, our gnome came along for the ride and here he is on the entry sign.

This is the McCollum pad as it looked when we got here. The drill rig setup is coming momentarily.

Here is the drill rig set up and drilling. You can see how close we are to the action.

Gretel loves to sit on the back of the couch and look out the window. Nothing gets past her without some kind of acknowledgement. She's our brown driveway alarm.

Typical oak tree found in the Texas hill country. Reminds me of the Charter Oak of American history fame. When walking along the road it's always a pleasure to stop in the cool shadow for a rest.

Our land owner had a cowboy barbecue and cattle round up this week. Joe Adams and his chuckwagon crew put on the BBQ. "Good" does not begin to describe it.

Here's Joe prepping the steaks.

Except for the steaks, everything else was cooked in cast iron pots using wood coals.

Showing off the peach cobbler.

One of the horses used in the round up and some of the cattle.

Some of the cattle. Beef prices are way high and even the smallest steers are worth $400 or more.

Can't close out this entry without showing some of the wildlife we see. This is a caracara, a type of hawk that frequents the entire south of Texas.

Two caracaras in flight.

Caracaras are large, and yet graceful.

Believe it or don't, this puppy already knows how to eat people food from a fork. Annie is waiting her turn. She has known how for a long time.
OK. That's a wrap for this entry. Let us hear from you.