Saturday, September 22, 2012

Taking September Off

We've been working as gate guards in the Texas oilfields for nearly four months and have decided we need a break, so we're taking the month of September off.

We started with five days at Port Aransas on Mustang Island where we got reacquainted with the town, walked on the beach, and just relaxed. From there we took our RV to a repair shop in Channelview, near Houston, for some warranty repairs, then headed to Fort Worth to visit Joan and Jerry Martin and pick up some stuff we had in storage. That took all of a day, and then we were off to Illinois for a few days with son Steve and daughter Angel. Steve lives in Mascoutah IL which is right next door to Scott Air Force Base, a place we frequent at least once a year. The timing was right for us to take in the air show at Scott. The Air Force Thunderbirds were the main attraction this year. We also made a visit to Grant's Farm (home of the Busch Clydesdale horses).

After a week with Steve we headed northward. We had planned to spend two nights with Angel but Pat was getting more ill by the mile so we only stopped in Roscoe long enough to have dinner and then plodded on to Saint Paul. It was a long day on the road - well over 15 hours. Got to Melanie's around 2 am and crashed. Up in the morning to take Pat to a doctor. Diagnosis: pneumonia! She got some cough medicine with codeine that made her very drowsy and a nuclear-strenght antibiotic. Between the two meds Pat got some relief and now, five days later, she is (almost) back to normal. It's a good thing, because we will be leaving Minnesota on Monday, which is only one day away.

Headed back to Texas to try to fit in a quick visit to our dentist in Fort Worth; then back to Houston to pick up our home, and then back to southern Texas to resume the gate guard job. We have liked the gate guard job a lot. Yes, it's remote, somewhat primitive, very repetetive, but easy work. And it pays very well. We have stocked up on yarn, material, wood for carving, and books to read. We'll be able to keep ourselves very busy this winter.
"Blue Moon" at Port Aransas on the Gulf of Mexico

Camel at Grant's Farm in St. Louis. Is she wearing lipstick?
Air Force Thunderbirds performing at Scott AFB air show.

Dave with Army trainer found at Scott AFB. It just like the trainer I used for my primary flight training (over 50 years ago). The plane was a lot newer then, but so was I. It's based on the Aeronca tandem seat tail dragger. Has a whole 65 hp engine. And for you readers who fly, or have flown, this model has NO flaps and that makes for some interesting landing during hot weather.