Friday, May 30, 2008


You know we're always looking at one kind of bird or another. This week it's been cardinals - the few we've had at the campground and the team that's playing baseball in St. Louis. We've been to two games this week, one on Wednesday and another Friday, today. The Cardinals play in Busch Stadium which is just a few blocks from the famed S.L. Arch. Pat has a greater interest in baseball than I, but even at that I must say that the games have been interesting - as has watching the fans. I'm convinced that most of them don't go to the game to watch the game. They are there for social life, bad food (that is incredibly expensive. Would you believe $5 for a bottle of water?) and beer. The beer is $7.75 a bottle! Wednesday I bought Pat a fountain soft drink and a soft pretzel. The tab was $10 even.

I had started to wonder why we hadn't received any email this week. Discovered our server, supersat2, had some problems and we can't send or receive email. Spoke with their tech today and they are working on the problem. If any of you have tried to send email in the past week and didn't receive a response, or if your mail was returned as undeliverable, please try again soon. As of midnight Friday the problem still has no been fixed but I'm sure it will be soon.

It's raining again and there is no place for the water to go. The ground is saturated, the streams and rivers are running bank full, and worse, and the rain continues.

Check back often, and please leave a comment so we know someone is reading us occasionally.

Dave & Pat


lynny said...

We aren't really baseball fans either, but love going to Giants games in SF when we get the chance.It's a beautiful stadium.

Sent you an e-mail yesterday. (Saturday) It didn't come back to me, but not sure if you got it in light of your comments about your service provider.

Sorry to hear about all the rain. : ( Were you able to get the water problem taken care of after that last storm? Hope the weather gets better for you soon.

I check your blog regularly. It's fun to read about what you guys are up to and to see the pictures.

Kate said...

yep, i'm checking in almost every day.