Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Olivia Love, and Renaissance Festival, continued.

Dave chowing down on a fruit and cream pastry at the MN Renaissance Festival.

Pat and our girls have been staying with Melanie and her girls, and this is the type of thing that happens to Molly and Annie. Molly was shut in here for about four hours and we thought she had run away and would never be seen again. Not true. She was sleeping in the play oven.

This is Isabel, 4, with Annie and Molly. Isabel has a thing for doing things with (to?) our dogs.

Pat with Olivia Love.

Olivia, about 5 days old.

Melanie with Olivia. Annie has bonded with Olivia and wants to be with her all the time.

Grandpa Dave with Olivia.


Melanie and Olivia, still at hospital.

Mel with all her girls.

Melanie, Jason, Meghan, Isabel, Bailey, and Olivia, the whole family.

1 comment:

StillRolling said...

Congratulations on the baby !!!
She's so beautiful, all the girls are :D

I hope everyone is doing well - I'm sure they're very glad you're there Pat.

Thanks for the great pictures.
p.s. my Molly says good luck to your Molly and Annie - HA !