Wednesday, March 3, 2010

A miscellaneous entry.

Pat, Betty & Ted doing some sight-seeing on Corpus Christi Bay.

Betty and Ted doing some birdwatching in Port Aransas, Texas.

Pat and Betty doing some "shopping" at the Peddler's Mart in Robstown, Texas.

Dave working on a relief wood carving. New hobby.

Dave's latest carving project. Things will get better. Hey! I've only had 24 hours of classroom instruction.

Kites on the Port Aransas beach.

Buzzards roosting on cell phone tower near Ted & Betty's condo in Port Aransas.

Belt sander race track at the Gaff in Port Aransas. Yes, you are reading that right and, no, you can't make up stuff like this. It really happens here. Not enough to do, you say? Could be.

Pat going wild in the wild at Aransas Wildlife Refuge.

Stay on the path and out of the water!

A very strange bird is the know the rest.

Laughing Gull.

Javalina (wild hog), at Aransas Refuge.

Carol Casner, our neighbor, and Pat by the big oak at the refuge.

Common Moorhen.

Northern Mockingbird.

Always seem to be playing catch-up on our blog. We stay busy, do stuff, see people, and enjoy life. The winter season in Port Aransas will soon be over - just as the weather is starting to get real nice.

1 comment:

StillRolling said...

It looks like you're having a great time !!!
Love the carving Dave - very nice.
Hope you've found a nice place to spend the summer.