Thursday, January 6, 2011

Winter in Southern California

Realized yesterday that it's been a month since our last blog post. It's not because we haven't been doing anything or going any place. It's more to being too busy, and having taken a week off to go to Minnesota for my Brother Ted's funeral. So, in the new year I'll try harder to post more often. There's lots to tell, and show.

Here is Pat with her favorite WWII airplane, the Corsair. We're at the Palm Springs Aviation Museum.

The historic aircraft on display are marvelously restored. Some of our Minnesota friends may remember the aviation museum at Flying Cloud Airport near Minneapolis. This is it after relocation to Palm Springs and expansion. Hmmm, Lakers, North Stars, Aviation Museum - all relocated to a warmer climate. Is that sending a message to anyone?

This is a painted mural on one end of the display hangar. Great piece or artwork.

The C-47, or DC3. Workhorse of WWII, and into the 1960's.

Beautifully restored B-17 Flying Fortress.

This is me in a cockpit/simulator of the Grumman Mohawk. It's a 2-engine, side by side, high performance prop-jet aircraft. I flew one during my Army years. Hadn't been in a Mohawk cockpit since 1964, but I could still find all the controls and buttons automatically.

Inside the B-17 showing two of the protective machine guns.

Front entrance to the Palm Springs Aviation Museum.

American Avocets on Salton Sea.

One of the many doves that frequent our yard. Notice that we have no grass to mow.

Pat ready for New Year's Eve.

White-crowned Sparrow - also in our yard.

Gambel's Quail. These delightful birds come into our yard by the dozens, and they always walk in, never fly. In fact, they walk all over the campground.

Seagulls on beach of Salton Sea. Palm Springs mountains, with snow, in distance. Mountains are a lot farther away than they look.

Many RVers dry-camp on Salton Sea. There are no hook-ups and only porta potties are provided. Still, you will find long-term campers parked on the beaches. Palm Springs mountains in distance. Note the solar panels on top of the RV. They keep the house batteries charged.

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