Monday, November 24, 2008

King Ranch Ranch Hand Breakfast

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The breakfast is prepared and served by volunteers.

Pretty decent breakfast. Notice the refried beans. It's a Texas thing.

It takes a small army to prepare such a large breakfast.

Some of the several thousand who came for breakfast.

King Ranch has lots of longhorn cattle.

These guys are stuck in an 1880's time warp.

Rug weaver demonstrating his loom work.

Baking biscuits in a cast iron dutch oven.

Pretty good biscuits.

Pat found a new friend.
The King Ranch is located about 30 miles south of Corpus Christi, and is the site of our most recent outing. The annual Ranch Hand Breakfast attracts thousands, locals and tourists, each year. It's a fun and educational outing, and inexpensive as well. The ranch is huge beyond mortal reasoning. Over 825,000 acres, which they say is about the same area as the entire state of Rhode Island. Obviously, in one less-than-a-day visit, one can only see a small part of the ranch. The breakfast event is staffed by local volunteers, and there are hundreds of them. Funds raised go for community organizations and projects.
The day was cool. For us that meant carry and/or wear a light jacket. For the locals that meant parkas, long pants, and stand close to the campfire. All in all, it was a pretty nice day.

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