Sunday, November 16, 2008

Stuff you might see walking the beach

There's more than just fish in these waters. Here is a small sting ray.
Great blue heron is but one of the 500 types of birds along the shore here.

Tankers and other types of ships pass Port Aransas enroute between Corpus Christi and the Gulf.

Molly just had to sniff a Portuguese Man of War (jellyfish) that washed up on the beach.

Lots of jellyfish float by.

These small lizards (chameleons) are everywhere basking in the sun.

Always check the shells on the beach for hermit crabs.

This guy was hoping to catch a fish, but got an eel instead. It was vicious!
Lots of wildlife hereabouts. Much of what we see is different than what we are accustomed to seeing in the Midwest or Northwest. Every time we go for a walk we see something different and intertesting. I have omitted the scene with the turkey vultures cleaning up a dead turtle on the beach. Too gruesome for this family-oriented blog. :-)
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